Posts in My Books
A Newsy, Update-y Post About All the Writerly Things

Dear Reader, you are awesome, do you know that?

Seriously. I just want to thank you all for your patience with me. I know I’m not the fastest writer in the world (faaaaar from it!) And I know that I’ve had a tendency to disappear for months on end lately. This year has been really weird, because I’ve felt like I had very little to share about… and yet, so, so, SO much work is getting done behind the scenes.

Because you are so awesome, I wanted to give you a bit of a better glimpse of what all has been going on behind the page here in the Stormcave, where I’m at on this author adventure, and most importantly, when you will get to read a new Jenelle Leanne Schmidt book.

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FallFicFrenzy + Know the Novel Part 2

November, my favorite month of the year!

I might be slightly biased, as this is my birthday month… but hey, as Ken Ham says, “Everybody is biased. It’s just a question of which is the best bias to be biased with anyway?”


So, I’ve been having a blast participating in Christine Smith’s Know the Novel and Fall Fic Frenzy over the past several weeks.

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Know the Novel Part 1 2022

Yay! Know the Novel is back!

The talented and amazing Christine Smith is running her annual Know the Novel blog challenge and I’m delighted to use it to share some tidbits of what I’m working on this Fall with you.

I’m also joining up with Christine’s Fall Fiction Writing Frenzy which is running from Oct. 15 - Nov. 15 and allows us to set our own personal goals, which is always lovely.

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Updates From My Writing Desk: In Which I Emerge, Blinking, Into the Sunlight

Hello again, dear Reader! I’m back from my hiatus…

Which totally did not end up being a whole month longer than I planned for it to be…. eheheh.


blinks at the calendar in disbelief… it’s JUNE? Already?

But I promise, even though I’ve been fairly quiet here on the blog and over on social media for the past two months, it’s been a very productive kind of silence. So much is happening behind the scenes, and today, you get to hear about some of it! I feel like I’m finally making up for my lack of productivity back in 2020. And it feels good.

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Waiting is Not Easy

That’s the title of my son’s favorite book

And it’s true. Waiting is not easy. Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

Have patience, have patience, don’t be in such a hurry…

That’s a song my mom used to sing to my siblings and me whenever we were tired of waiting for something. Or whenever we wanted something to move faster than it currently was.

I’ve got that song stuck in my head right now.

It just feels like I can never do anything fast enough.

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