Posts in My Books
My Adventures With Oliver Twist

I have always loved the story of Oliver Twist.

I know that some of my readers may be scratching their heads right now, trying to figure me out. I’ve never tried to make it a secret that I don’t like reading Charles Dickens’ books.

And no, I don’t love reading Dickens. In fact, Oliver Twist is the first of his books I’ve ever made it all the way through, and that only because I felt I needed to read the actual book in order to write a faithful retelling of it.

But I do love Dickens’ stories. I love his characters. What I don’t love is when he spends 6 pages describing a room only to have the character step inside, look around, and promptly leave… never to return to said room.

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The Orb and the Airship Cover Reveal

Today is the day, dear Reader!

The day that I finally get to share the cover with you for the first book in this epic gaslamp-fantasy series!

I’m so excited. I feel like I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting for this moment, for the moment when I finally get to start sharing and revealing all the things. This cover has actually been done for quite a while, and I love it so much. I can’t wait to show it to you!

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