Posts in Personal
Get to Know the Author

I’ve been seeing some new faces around here lately, and it has been such an encouragement to me to read your comments and hear from you in general, dear Reader!

I’m especially pleased that a few of you who have been reading quietly for a while have felt comfortable saying “hi” here and there, as well!

Whether you found me through a group we’re in together, because I commented on someone else’s blog you were following, or you came here because you’ve already read and enjoyed my books (or if you found me some other way that I haven’t thought of) WELCOME!

A couple months ago before I went on a short hiatus, I invited you to ask me your questions so I could do a sort of “get to know me” post since I haven’t done one in a while.

And boy did you deliver on the questions! Thank you so much! A post like this really doesn’t happen without YOUR help and input, and I am very grateful that you felt comfortable asking away!

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An Echo of the Fae: Themes and a Sequel Sneak Peek

When writing a book, knowing what themes you want to explore is generally a good idea.

But I almost never start with that. My writing is driven by a weird mixture of world-building, character, and plot. Plot usually comes last. The world and the characters come first… and which one comes first varies from story to story.

An Echo of the Fae was no exception to the rule. As I explained earlier this week, a lot of the story came together after I had figured out who the players were and what the world looked like.

For me, the themes usually stand out to me more after the story is written, and one of my jobs is to pull those themes out and polish them off in the editing stages.

Some of the themes in this story surprised me, but I am quite pleased with how they wove themselves through the plot.

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