Posts in Personal
A few Important updates

Happy Spring, dear Reader!

So very many exciting things are coming up in the next several months. I’ve got giveaways and launches and another cover reveal coming up soon… and so I’ve decided to take a smallish hiatus.

Um… Jenelle… is that… really the BEST idea right this second?

Probably not. But the fact remains, that I need it.

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Confessions of an Overwhelmed Wizard

I think it’s time I let you all know….

That the blog is going to stay a little quieter for a while.

And that I don’t know how long this easier pace will last.

It’s not a lack of ideas. I have a plethora of ideas. I have topics, tips, reviews, and general back-page-pass types of posts all swimming around in my head. I have enough ideas to keep me posting weekly for more than a year.


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A Writing Update: January 2022

Good morning, dear Reader! I hope that this first day of February finds you well.

I have a few important updates for you today. And one that makes me super sad, but has to be said.

I cannot commit to bringing you February is Fantasy Month this year.

I really wish I could. It is a super major bummer that I cannot do it this year.

But the reasons I can’t do it this year are mostly all good and exciting things.

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