Posts in Writing Ruminations
Updates From My Writing Desk: In Which I Emerge, Blinking, Into the Sunlight

Hello again, dear Reader! I’m back from my hiatus…

Which totally did not end up being a whole month longer than I planned for it to be…. eheheh.


blinks at the calendar in disbelief… it’s JUNE? Already?

But I promise, even though I’ve been fairly quiet here on the blog and over on social media for the past two months, it’s been a very productive kind of silence. So much is happening behind the scenes, and today, you get to hear about some of it! I feel like I’m finally making up for my lack of productivity back in 2020. And it feels good.

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2 Million Words

They say that your first million words are practice…

It’s hard to nail down who actually said that first. It’s fairly common advice given to new writers, young writers, writers who haven’t published yet or are just finishing up their debut novel with hopes and dreams and aspirations.

And it’s not bad advice, really.

It hearkens back to the idea that you have to practice before you get good at something. Sometimes you have to practice a lot.

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A Super Secret Project Revealed!

Yep, you read that right, dear Reader!

I let slip the revelation of another of my super secret projects. Not here… but elsewhere.

You see, earlier this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by Tricia Goyer from Avid Readers of Christian Fiction. And in the interview, I told her about one of the projects I’ve been keeping pretty close to the vest for a while now.

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Know the Novel - Part 3: Words Written

November is over, and that means we get the questions for the final link-up of the 2021 edition of Know the Novel.

Know the Novel is a 3-part linkup series for writers, one for each of the last three months of the year. Each part features ten questions you can answer on your own blog (or anywhere else on social media, if you’d like!). The questions focus on different parts of your novel and how the writing is going.

Created by the amazing Christine Smith, this link-up encourages us to share bits from our works-in-progress and do a little authorly introspection, as well! I love this link-up and am enjoying being able to participate this year, despite going all NaNoWriMo Rebel-Rogue this year and editing instead of drafting!

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