Posts in My Books
A Super Secret Project Revealed!

Yep, you read that right, dear Reader!

I let slip the revelation of another of my super secret projects. Not here… but elsewhere.

You see, earlier this week, I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by Tricia Goyer from Avid Readers of Christian Fiction. And in the interview, I told her about one of the projects I’ve been keeping pretty close to the vest for a while now.

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To Boldly Go

Good morning, dear Reader, and Happy New Year!

It’s that time of year again. Everything feels fresh and new. What is it about starting a new year? What is it about turning the page that always feels a little bit brighter, a little bit more hopeful?

It’s that time of year when people make resolutions. It’s a time for new plans. For fresh journals and new calendars.

Here at Safe Return Doubtful, you know we don’t make resolutions. We don’t have goals.


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Know the Novel: Part 2

November is here!

And that means NaNoWriMo, which I have decided to participate in as a REBEL, which means that instead of having a goal of WRITING 50,000 words by the end of the month, I am hoping to EDIT 60,000 words and finish this first pass of edits on Towers of Might and Memory, the fifth book in my Turrim Archive series!

This link-up is a beautiful and fun 3-part blogging prompt that my dear friend Christine created a few years ago.

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An Echo of the Fae: Themes and a Sequel Sneak Peek

When writing a book, knowing what themes you want to explore is generally a good idea.

But I almost never start with that. My writing is driven by a weird mixture of world-building, character, and plot. Plot usually comes last. The world and the characters come first… and which one comes first varies from story to story.

An Echo of the Fae was no exception to the rule. As I explained earlier this week, a lot of the story came together after I had figured out who the players were and what the world looked like.

For me, the themes usually stand out to me more after the story is written, and one of my jobs is to pull those themes out and polish them off in the editing stages.

Some of the themes in this story surprised me, but I am quite pleased with how they wove themselves through the plot.

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Through the Portal: a back-page pass

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”

Some of you know this already, but An Echo of the Fae was supposed to be a Rapunzel retelling. In its very earliest stages, it was simply the glimmering of an idea as I tried to come up with something that would work for Kendra’s Fairy Tale Retelling Challenge and multi-author-release. She told us that the theme would be Rapunzel back in… I believe it was 2018. And while I didn’t quite make it in time to be part of the release, and my story really didn’t end up being a retelling… like… at all… that is where the first flickers of idea began. That’s where it all started.

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